In January 2003, I began Shindo
Jinen Ryu Karate with Sensei Darrell Craig at Houston Budokan. I
achieved 1st Kyu on January 2006, and while I tested for Black
Belt in August 2007, I was kicked very hard during the sparring
part of test, which resulted in such painful bruised ribs, that
I completely lost concentration, and wasn't able to complete the
test at a satisfactory level. I did not test for Black Belt
again at this dojo, which I still regret. I left the dojo in
2012 as I had moved out of the area and was battling chronic
severe migraines. Darrell Crag is a 6th Dan in Shito Ryu Karate and have the title Kyoshi Shihan. Darrell Craig
also have 7th Dan in Kendo and Junse Goshin Budo Jujitsu, and
6th Dan and below in many other martial art forms.
Kyoshi Shihan Darrell Craig was introduced to karate in 1956
while he was assigned to the Third Marine Division in Yokuska,
Japan. His sensei was Gogen Yamaguchi at the Goju School. In
1958 he was transferred to Okinawa, and there he got to study
under Sensei Shimabuku, a student of Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu,
Chojun Miyagi & Tirara Shinkenin.
Sensei Darrell Craig owned and ran
Houston Budokan in Houston, TX, where he apart from Karate also
taught Judo, Jujitsu, Kendo, Kobudo, Iaido and more. Sensei Darrel Craig has since retired from teaching.

Darrell Craig